Poison ivy and poison oak are widely distributed plants which can cause many people a great deal of misery each year. These plants can grow as woody vines or shrubs and are the source for the old saying "Leaves of three, let it be." If exposed to either poison ivy or poison oak, itching and burning, along with a red blistery rash, can result. Usually the rash begins a few hours after exposure, but it may not appear for several days. If you think you've been exposed, wash your skin thoroughly within minutes, using lots of cold water. Do not use |soap| as it can spread the oil secreted by these plants. If a rash develops, do not scratch it; excessive scratching can lead to ~infection~. To relieve the itch, try compresses soaked in cool water. Other solutions can be soothing, such as calamine lotion, baking soda or ~hydrocortisone~ cream.